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AccountDAO - Interface in
An account is identified by E-Mail addresses.
AccountDO - Class in org.europa.together.domain.acl
AccountDO() - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Default Constructor.
AccountDO(String) - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
AuthenticationException - Exception in org.europa.together.exceptions.acl
Exception for authentication errors.
AuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception org.europa.together.exceptions.acl.AuthenticationException
Creates a new instance of AuthenticationException without detail message.
AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.europa.together.exceptions.acl.AuthenticationException
Constructs an instance of AuthenticationException with the specified detail message.
AuthorisationException - Exception in org.europa.together.exceptions.acl
Exception for authorization errors.
AuthorisationException() - Constructor for exception org.europa.together.exceptions.acl.AuthorisationException
Creates a new instance of AuthorisationException without detail message.
AuthorisationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.europa.together.exceptions.acl.AuthorisationException
Constructs an instance of AuthorisationException with the specified detail message.


Constraints - Class in org.europa.together.utils.acl
Constraints for the package Portal.


deactivateAccount(String) - Method in interface
Deactivates an Account.
delete(ResourcesDO) - Method in interface
If the resource object exist in the persistence context and is not protected, it will be deleted.
doLogout(String) - Method in interface
Fethc the last (newest) login object of an account to perform a logout.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
equals(Object) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
equals(Object) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
equals(Object) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
equals(Object) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO


find(String) - Method in interface
Override the find() method to fetch a permission by the given id.
find(String, String) - Method in interface
Fetch a specific resource defined by the resource name and the view.
find(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Override the find() method to fetch a permission by the given roleName, resource and view.
findAccountByVerificationCode(String) - Method in interface
Fetch an account by his verification code, to enanble the activation / registration procedure.


getAccount() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the Login of an Account.
getBrowserID() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the Browser ID of the Account for this login.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the default localisation.
getDefaultTimezone() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the default timezone as String in the format: +/-02:00.
getDescription() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Get the description of a role.
getEmail() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the E-Mail of an Account.
getIpAddress() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the IP Address of the Account for this login.
getLogin() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the Date of this specific Login.
getLoginsFromAccount(String) - Method in interface
Get all Logins by a given account.
getLogout() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the logout timestamp of a login object.
getName() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Get the Role name.
getOperationSystem() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the Operation System of the Account for this login.
getPassword() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the SALTED password (SHA3-512) of an Account.
getResource() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Get the resources for a permission.
getResourceName() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
Get the Resource Name.
getRole() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the Role of an Account.
getRole() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Get the role for a permission.
getUuid() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Get the UUID of an Login Object.
getUuid() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
get the Identifier.
getVerificationCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the verification code (UUID) for the DoublOptIn procedure.
getView() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
Get the view.
getView() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Define which template is to use for the given resource.


hashCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
hashCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
hashCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
hashCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
hashCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
hashCode() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO


isChange() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Indicate the CHANGE (update) permission for a resource.
isCreate() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Indicate the CREATE permission for a resource.
isDeactivated() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Shows if an Account is activated.
isDelete() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Indicate the DELETE permission for a resource.
isDeleteable() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Flag to protect that a resource can not deleted by accident.
isDeleteable() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Flag to protect that a role can not deleted by accident.
isRead() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Indicate the READ permission for a resource.
isRegistered() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Get the Registration Date of an Account, when it was created.
isVerified() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Shows if an Account is verified.


LICENSE - Static variable in class org.europa.together.utils.acl.Constraints
The Software License of the artifact.
listAccountsOfRole(String) - Method in interface
Get all Accounts for a specified role.
listActivatedAccounts() - Method in interface
Get all activated Accounts.
listDeactivatedAccounts() - Method in interface
Get all deactivated Accounts.
listNotConfirmedAccounts() - Method in interface
Get all accounts, which are not verified.
listProtectedResources() - Method in interface
Return a list of all resources which protected against deleting, to prevent accidents.
listProtectedRoles() - Method in interface
Return a list of all roles which protected against deleting, to prevent accidents.
listRegisterdAcountsAfterDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface
Get all Accounts which registered after a given date.
listRegisterdAcountsBeforeDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface
Get all Accounts which registered before a given date.
listResourcesOfSameType(String) - Method in interface
Fetch a list of resources with the same name.
listRolePermissions(String) - Method in interface
List all permissions of a role.
LoginDAO - Interface in
Every account can have multiply logins.
LoginDO - Class in org.europa.together.domain.acl
LoginDO() - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Default Constructor.
LoginDO(AccountDO) - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO


MODULE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.europa.together.utils.acl.Constraints
A short description of the module.
MODULE_NAME - Static variable in class org.europa.together.utils.acl.Constraints
Module name used for ConfigurationDAO.
MODULE_VERSION - Static variable in class org.europa.together.utils.acl.Constraints
Version of the module.

O - package
02 Business Layer: Interfaces who implemented in the Application Layer and used in the Service Layer.
org.europa.together.domain.acl - package org.europa.together.domain.acl
00 Domain Layer: Includes all Data Objects with Validation for Persistence.
org.europa.together.exceptions.acl - package org.europa.together.exceptions.acl
Exception: Trunk for customized Exceptions.
org.europa.together.utils.acl - package org.europa.together.utils.acl
Utils: Helpful things, which can't implement against an Interface.


PermissionDAO - Interface in
Permissions are linked to roles.
PermissionDO - Class in org.europa.together.domain.acl
PermissionDO() - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Default Constructor.
PermissionDO(RolesDO, ResourcesDO) - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
printConstraintInfo() - Static method in class org.europa.together.utils.acl.Constraints
Implements a static version of toString();.


reactivateAccount() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Reset the deactivation of an Account, by erasing the deactivation date.
ResourceId - Class in org.europa.together.domain.acl
Composite Primary Key for ResourecesDO.
ResourceId() - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
ResourcesDAO - Interface in
A resource is linked to a permission.
ResourcesDO - Class in org.europa.together.domain.acl
ResourcesDO() - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Default Constructor.
ResourcesDO(String) - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
REST_API_VERSION - Static variable in class org.europa.together.utils.acl.Constraints
URI Parameter for versioning the public REST API of this module.
RolesDAO - Interface in
Every account is just with one role related.
RolesDO - Class in org.europa.together.domain.acl
RolesDO() - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Default Constructor.
RolesDO(String) - Constructor for class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO


setAccount(AccountDO) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Create a login for an Account.
setBrowserID(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Set the Browser ID of the Account for this login.
setChange(boolean) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Define the CHANGE (update) permission for a resource.
setCreate(boolean) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Define the CREATE permission for a resource.
setDeactivated() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Allows to block the login of an account.
setDefaultLocale(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set the default localisation.
setDefaultTimezone(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set the default timezone in the format: +/-02:00.
setDelete(boolean) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Define the DELETE permission for a resource.
setDeleteable(boolean) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Set a flag to protect that a role can not deleted by accident.
setDeleteable(boolean) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Set a flag to protect that a role can not deleted by accident.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Set the description of a role.
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set the E-Mail of an Account.
setIpAddress(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Set the IP Address of the Account for this login.
setLogin(Date) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Set the Date for the login.
setLogout(Date) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Set the logout time for a login object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Set the resource name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
Set the Role name.
setOperationSystem(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Set the Operation System of the Account for this login.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set the password (SHA3-512) of an Account.
setRead(boolean) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Define the READ permission for a resource.
setRegistered() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set the Registration Date of an Account, when it get created.
setResource(ResourcesDO) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Set the resources for a permission.
setResourceName(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
Set the resourceName.
setRole(RolesDO) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set the Role of an Account.
setRole(RolesDO) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Set the role for a permission.
setUuid(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
Set the UUID of an Login Object.
setUuid(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
Set the identifier.
setVerificationCode(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Allows the auto generated verification code (UUID) during the Account creation to change.
setVerified() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
Set an Account to verified, if the verification process was success.During the creation process is set to false.
setView(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourceId
Set the view.
setView(String) - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
Define which template will be chosen to open a resource.


TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
The name of the used database table for this domain object.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
The name of the used database table for this domain object.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
The name of the used database table for this domain object.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
The name of the used database table for this domain object.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO
The name of the used database table for this domain object.
toString() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.AccountDO
toString() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.LoginDO
toString() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.PermissionDO
toString() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.ResourcesDO
toString() - Method in class org.europa.together.domain.acl.RolesDO


update(ResourcesDO) - Method in interface
Overwrite the regular DAO update method, because of composite Primary Key.


verifyAccount(String) - Method in interface
Set an Account to verified.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form