PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 7.3.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3

ACL SERVER - org/europa/together/application/acl/

Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements This if statement could be combined with its parent 98–101

ACL SERVER - org/europa/together/service/acl/

Rule Violation Line
EmptyControlStatement Empty try body 33–38
EmptyControlStatement Empty try body 44–49
EmptyControlStatement Empty try body 55–60

Priority 4

ACL SERVER - org/europa/together/application/acl/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'org.europa.together.domain.ConfigurationDO' 14


ACL SERVER - org/europa/together/application/acl/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'org.europa.together.domain.ConfigurationDO' 4 14

ACL SERVER - org/europa/together/application/acl/

Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements This if statement could be combined with its parent 3 98–101

ACL SERVER - org/europa/together/service/acl/

Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyControlStatement Empty try body 3 33–38
EmptyControlStatement Empty try body 3 44–49
EmptyControlStatement Empty try body 3 55–60