Class SaxTools

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Repository public class SaxTools extends Object implements XmlTools
Implementation of XML Tools.
  • Constructor Details

    • SaxTools

      public SaxTools()
  • Method Details

    • parseXmlFile

      public String parseXmlFile(File xmlFile)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Parse a given XML File to grab the content.
      Specified by:
      parseXmlFile in interface XmlTools
      xmlFile - as File
      content as String
    • parseXmlString

      public String parseXmlString(String xml)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Parse a given XML String to grab the content.
      Specified by:
      parseXmlString in interface XmlTools
      xml - as String
      content as String
    • prettyPrintXml

      public String prettyPrintXml()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Before writeing a XML Document on a file, especially computer generated XML Content, the content should formatted by a CodeBeautifier. This function Beautifies the XML Sources with the following rules:
    • set content to UTF-8 without BOM (Byte Order Mark)
    • automated line breaks and indents
    • remove trailing space
    • replace TAB with 4 space characters
    • Specified by:
      prettyPrintXml in interface XmlTools
      content as String
    • shrinkContent

      public String shrinkContent(String content)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Shrink the XML content to reduce the file size for a higher performance in automated processing. The following option will be executed:
    • remove XML comments
    • remove whitespace
    • remove linebreak
    • The final result is an XML in one row without comments and whitespace in one line. input and output is not parsed or checked for well formed.
      Specified by:
      shrinkContent in interface XmlTools
      content - as String
      shrink content as String
    • transformXslt

      public String transformXslt(File xml, File xslt)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Transform an XML File by a given XSLT to a new Output.
      Specified by:
      transformXslt in interface XmlTools
      xml - as File
      xslt - as File
      transformation as String
    • hasExternalSchemaFile

      public boolean hasExternalSchemaFile()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Check if a external schema file s configured.
      Specified by:
      hasExternalSchemaFile in interface XmlTools
      true on success
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Validate well formed XML content (XML 1.0) against a given grammar. Grammar files can be DTD or XML Schema. THe validation contains also a well formed test for the XML file.
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface XmlTools
      true on success
    • isWellFormed

      public boolean isWellFormed()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Check XML content (XML 1.0) if is well formed. the well formed rules for XML are defined as:
    • the structure of a XML document is a tree and each node is defined as TAG
    • each document contains exact one root tag
    • element tags are case-sensitive
    • content be delimited with a beginning and end tag
    • begin, end, and empty-element tags that delimit the elements are correctly nested, with none missing and none overlapping Detail
    • it contains only properly encoded legal Unicode characters
    • special characters like: > < & have to be encoded (StringUtils.escapeXmlCharacters()) Information:
    • Specified by:
      isWellFormed in interface XmlTools
      true on success
    • resetExternalSchema

      public void resetExternalSchema()
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Reset the external schema file to NULL.
      Specified by:
      resetExternalSchema in interface XmlTools
    • setSchemaFile

      public void setSchemaFile(File schema)
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Set explicit the schema file for the validation option. This method overwrites in the XML document declares Schemata.
      Specified by:
      setSchemaFile in interface XmlTools
      schema - as File
    • writeXmlToFile

      public void writeXmlToFile(String content, String destinationFile) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: XmlTools
      Writes a XML String into a new file.
      Specified by:
      writeXmlToFile in interface XmlTools
      content - as string
      destinationFile - as String