02 Business Layer: Interfaces who implemented in the Application Layer
and used in the Service Layer.
- Since:
- 1.0
InterfacesClassDescriptionThe ConfigurationDAO provides all functionality for an application wide configuration.Basic cryptographic functions for applications.DatabaseActions is a simple helper class to execute SQL queries and other database operations out of the DAO Context.Feature Flags is a wrapper for the FF4j library to enable toggels for activating and deactivating features.GenericDAO<T,
PK extends Serializable> GenericDAO primary for CRUD database operations.A simple image processor with some useful basic functionality in applications.JsonTools<T>Lightweight wrapper for basic JSON functionality.Simple API for application logging.Simple SMTP e-mail client with SSL to send E-Mails from a configured mail account (SMTP server).Basic PDF functionality to generate from an application letters or reports.The PropertyReader is able to read properties from different resources like file, database or from the classpath.Generates Quick Response Codes (QR Codes).Wrapper for the Velocity Template Renderer.TreeWalker<T>Implementation of the TREE data structure.XML Tools are based on the event driven SAX concept.