1. Project Clover database Wed Jan 17 2024 23:40:18 CST
  2. Package org.europa.together.application

File JdbcActions.java


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Class Line # Actions
JdbcActions 34 83 0% 18 2

Contributing tests

This file is covered by 18 tests. .

Source view

1    package org.europa.together.application;
3    import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
4    import java.io.BufferedReader;
5    import java.io.IOException;
6    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
7    import java.sql.Connection;
8    import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
9    import java.sql.ResultSet;
10    import java.sql.SQLException;
11    import java.sql.Statement;
12    import java.util.HashMap;
13    import java.util.Map;
14    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
15    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
16    import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource;
17    import org.europa.together.business.DatabaseActions;
18    import org.europa.together.business.Logger;
19    import org.europa.together.business.PropertyReader;
20    import org.europa.together.domain.JdbcConnection;
21    import org.europa.together.domain.LogLevel;
22    import org.europa.together.exceptions.MisconfigurationException;
23    import org.europa.together.exceptions.TimeOutException;
24    import org.europa.together.utils.StringUtils;
25    import org.europa.together.utils.Validator;
26    import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
27    import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
28    import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
30    /**
31    * Implementation of Database JDBC Actions.
32    */
33    @Repository
34    public class JdbcActions implements DatabaseActions {
36    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8L;
37    private static final Logger LOGGER = new LogbackLogger(JdbcActions.class);
39    private final String jdbcProperties = "org/europa/together/configuration/jdbc.properties";
40    private Connection jdbcConnection = null;
41    private Statement statement = null;
42    private DatabaseMetaData metadata;
43    private String connectionUrl;
44    private String driverClass;
45    private String pwd;
46    private String user;
48    /**
49    * Constructor.
50    */
51  23 toggle public JdbcActions() {
52  23 LOGGER.log("instance class", LogLevel.INFO);
53    }
55  18 toggle @Override
56    public boolean connect(final String propertyFile) {
57  18 boolean connected = true;
58  18 try {
59  18 fetchProperties(propertyFile);
60  18 establishPooledConnection();
61    } catch (Exception ex) {
62  1 connected = false;
63  1 LOGGER.log("Connection failed!", LogLevel.WARN);
64  1 LOGGER.catchException(ex);
65    }
66  18 return connected;
67    }
69  57 toggle @Override
70    public boolean executeSqlFromClasspath(final String sqlFile) {
71  57 boolean success = true;
72  57 LOGGER.log("SQL from Classpath -> File(" + sqlFile + ")", LogLevel.DEBUG);
73  57 BufferedReader reader = null;
74  57 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
75  57 ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext();
76  57 try {
77  57 reader = new BufferedReader(
78    new InputStreamReader(
79    context.getResource(sqlFile).getInputStream(), "UTF8")
80    );
81  56 String line;
82  ? while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
83  3589 if (!line.startsWith("--")) {
84  3154 sql.append(line);
85    }
86    }
87  56 this.executeQuery(sql.toString());
88  52 reader.close();
89    } catch (Exception ex) {
90  5 success = false;
91  5 LOGGER.catchException(ex);
92    }
93  57 return success;
94    }
96  112 toggle @Override
97    public ResultSet executeQuery(final String sql)
98    throws SQLException {
99  112 ResultSet resultSet = null;
100  112 LOGGER.log("Execute SQL: " + sql, LogLevel.DEBUG);
101  112 if (jdbcConnection != null) {
102  111 statement = jdbcConnection.createStatement();
103  111 statement.execute(sql);
104  106 resultSet = statement.getResultSet();
105    } else {
106  1 LOGGER.log("No JDBC Connection established.", LogLevel.ERROR);
107    }
108  107 return resultSet;
109    }
111  1 toggle @Override
112    public int countResultSets(final ResultSet results)
113    throws SQLException {
114  1 int count = 0;
115  2 while (results.next()) {
116  1 count++;
117    }
118  1 return count;
119    }
121  21 toggle @Override
122    public JdbcConnection getJdbcMetaData()
123    throws SQLException {
124  21 Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
125  21 metadata = jdbcConnection.getMetaData();
126  20 String url = metadata.getURL();
127  20 properties.put("metaJdbcVersion",
128    metadata.getJDBCMajorVersion() + "." + metadata.getJDBCMinorVersion());
129  20 properties.put("metaJdbcDriverName",
130    metadata.getDriverName());
131  20 properties.put("metaJdbcDriverVersion",
132    metadata.getDriverVersion());
133  20 properties.put("metaDbmsName",
134    metadata.getDatabaseProductName());
135  20 properties.put("metaDbmsVersion",
136    metadata.getDatabaseProductVersion());
137  20 properties.put("metaUser",
138    metadata.getUserName());
139  20 properties.put("metaCatalog",
140    metadata.getConnection().getCatalog());
141  20 properties.put("metaUrl", url);
142  20 String[] result = grabIpAndPort(url).split(":");
143  20 String ip = result[0];
144  20 String port = result[1];
145  20 properties.put("metaIP", ip);
146  20 properties.put("metaPort", port);
147  20 return new JdbcConnection(properties);
148    }
150    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151  20 toggle private String grabIpAndPort(final String connectionUrl) {
152  20 LOGGER.log("Grab IP4 Adress an Port from connection string: "
153    + connectionUrl, LogLevel.DEBUG);
154  20 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Validator.IP4_ADDRESS);
155  20 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(connectionUrl);
156  20 LOGGER.log("RegEx match found: " + matcher.find()
157    + " GroupCount: " + matcher.groupCount(), LogLevel.DEBUG);
158  20 String result = matcher.group(0);
159  20 LOGGER.log("Result: " + result + " - Search: " + connectionUrl, LogLevel.DEBUG);
160  20 return result;
161    }
163  18 toggle private void establishPooledConnection()
164    throws TimeOutException, ClassNotFoundException, PropertyVetoException, SQLException {
165  18 LOGGER.log("Try to establish JDBC connection.", LogLevel.DEBUG);
166  18 Class.forName(driverClass);
167  17 BasicDataSource cpds = new BasicDataSource();
168  17 cpds.setDriverClassName(driverClass);
169  17 cpds.setUrl(connectionUrl);
170  17 cpds.setUsername(user);
171  17 cpds.setPassword(pwd);
172  17 this.jdbcConnection = cpds.getConnection();
173  17 LOGGER.log(getJdbcMetaData().toString(), LogLevel.DEBUG);
174    }
176  18 toggle private void fetchProperties(final String propertyFile) throws IOException {
177  18 String properties = propertyFile;
178  18 PropertyReader reader = new PropertyFileReader();
179  18 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(properties) || propertyFile.equals("test")) {
180  17 LOGGER.log("Append (test) properties: " + jdbcProperties, LogLevel.DEBUG);
181  17 reader.appendPropertiesFromClasspath(jdbcProperties);
182    } else {
183  1 LOGGER.log("Append properties from: " + propertyFile, LogLevel.DEBUG);
184  1 reader.appendPropertiesFromFile(propertyFile);
185    }
186  18 try {
187  18 this.driverClass = reader.getPropertyAsString("jdbc.driverClassName");
188  18 this.user = reader.getPropertyAsString("jdbc.user");
189  17 this.pwd = reader.getPropertyAsString("jdbc.password");
190  17 this.connectionUrl = reader.getPropertyAsString("jdbc.url");
191    } catch (MisconfigurationException ex) {
192  1 LOGGER.catchException(ex);
193    }
194    }
195    }