1. Project Clover database Wed Jan 17 2024 23:40:18 CST
  2. Package org.europa.together.business

File QrCodeGenerator.java


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QrCodeGenerator 21 0 - 0 0
-1.0 -

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Source view

1    package org.europa.together.business;
3    import java.io.File;
4    import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
5    import java.util.Map;
6    import org.apiguardian.api.API;
7    import static org.apiguardian.api.API.Status.STABLE;
8    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
10    /**
11    * Generates Quick Response Codes (QR Codes). The generator provides
12    * DataStructures like calendar entry or contact information (PIM). It's
13    * implemented an encoder and also an decoder.
14    *
15    * @author elmar.dott@gmail.com
16    * @version 1.2
17    * @since 1.0
18    */
19    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0", consumers = "ZxingGenerator")
20    @Component
21    public interface QrCodeGenerator {
23    /**
24    * Identifier for the given feature.
25    */
26    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.2")
27    String FEATURE_ID = "CM-07";
29    /**
30    * Configure the generator with the dimension (height and width) of the QR
31    * Code Image. Height = Weight; the produced image will be always an square.
32    * It also define where the file will be stored.
33    *
34    * @param dimensions as int
35    * @param fileOutputPath s String
36    */
37    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0")
38    void setup(String fileOutputPath, int dimensions);
40    /**
41    * Encode from a given String the image and store it on the configured path.
42    *
43    * @param data as String
44    * @return true on success
45    */
46    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0")
47    boolean encode(String data);
49    /**
50    * Extract (decode) from a image file the information as String.
51    *
52    * @param qrCode as File
53    * @return the content as String
54    */
55    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0")
56    String decode(File qrCode);
58    /**
59    * Create a vCard (Version 3.0) data structure. URL:
60    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard<br><br>
61    *
62    * Property Set:<br>
63    * gender: Mr.<br>
64    * name: Doe<br>
65    * surname: John<br>
66    * title: <br>
67    *
68    * organization: <br>
69    * role <br>
70    *
71    * home-street: <br>
72    * home-city: <br>
73    * home-zipcode: <br>
74    * home-state: <br>
75    * home-country: <br>
76    * home-phone: <br>
77    * home-mobile: <br>
78    *
79    * work-street: <br>
80    * work-city: <br>
81    * work-zipcode: <br>
82    * work-state: <br>
83    * work-country: <br>
84    * work-phone: <br>
85    * work-mobile: <br>
86    *
87    * e-mail: john.doe@sample.org<br>
88    * homepage: <br>
89    *
90    *
91    * @param contact as Map
92    * @return dataStructure as String
93    */
94    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0")
95    String generateDataForvCard(Map<String, String> contact);
97    /**
98    * Encode an calender event.
99    *
100    * @param event as String
101    * @param start as ZonedDateTime
102    * @param end as ZonedDateTime
103    * @return dataStructure as String
104    */
105    @API(status = STABLE, since = "2.1")
106    String generateDataForCalendarEvent(String event, ZonedDateTime start, ZonedDateTime end);
108    /**
109    * Encode an URL which will opened in a web browser.
110    *
111    * @param url as String
112    * @return dataStructure as String
113    */
114    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0")
115    String generateDataForUrl(String url);
117    /**
118    * A geo URI may be used to encode a point on the earth, including altitude.
119    * For example, to encode the Google's New York office, which is at 40.71872
120    * deg N latitude, 73.98905 deg W longitude, at a point 100 meters above the
121    * office, one would encode "geo:40.71872,-73.98905,100".
122    * <br>
123    * A reader might open a local mapping application like Google Maps to this
124    * location and zoom accordingly, or could open a link to this location on a
125    * mapping web site like Google Maps in the device's web browser.
126    *
127    * @param longitude as String
128    * @param latitude as String
129    * @return dataStructure as String
130    */
131    @API(status = STABLE, since = "1.0")
132    String generateDataForGeoLocation(String latitude, String longitude);
133    }